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AJA proudly offers the most comprehensive library of online courses for correctional and juvenile justice professionals.  Please peruse the departments listed above to find the courses that meet your training needs. You can also buy courses or course packages for your staff with our Token system.  Click Here for more information on our token system.

Prea 5 Course Package

Certified Jail Manager Online Training

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An Important Note to Organizations with internal training programs!

Relias Academy is a service of Relias Learning designed for individual learners and small groups.

If you need training for your organization or other large group of students, please request a demonstration at www.ReliasLearning.com to learn how you can save your time and training budget.

Just a few minutes will show you how an organizational subscription for Relias Learning's web-based online learning program, featuring the Relias(tm) LMS can save you time, money and help manage your organization's training requirements.

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